Kmart’s Odyssey of Transformation with Strategic Partnership.​

Iconic Australian department store, Kmart recognised the winds of digital change sweeping across the retail landscape.

Their challenge was to enhance operational efficiency staff engagement and training across 200 stores, nationally.

To navigate this digital transformation Kmart sought a partner proficient in crafting tailored digital solutions.


Kmart collaborated with XAM for an ambitious 18-month journey. Our leadership spearheaded the project co-developing a custom digital platform that went beyond expectations incorporating additional features to meet Kmart’s evolving needs. The process included on-site consultations collaborative development and rigorous testing. The comprehensive solution encompassed staff orientation training and real-time stock and pricing management.

Our dedicated on-site involvement ensured a seamless technology transition equipping Kmart’s workforce with mastery over the new platform.


The XAM expertise yielded a transformative outcome for Kmart. The newly designed application- meticulously crafted to prioritise user familiarity and engagement- ushered in a new era of operational efficiency. The introduction of the Portable Data Terminal app led to a tangible surge in both employee morale and customer satisfaction. Notably- this digital metamorphosis translated into an astounding 200% surge in operational efficiency within a mere 12 months- a testament to XAM’s impactful solution.

Beyond operational gains, our innovative digital solution amplified Kmart’s resilience and trust in an ever-evolving retail ecosystem. As a trusted partner, XAM fortified Kmart’s standing as a leader within Australia’s fiercely competitive retail landscape. The data-driven and user-centric transformation reaffirmed Kmart’s commitment to service excellence.

  • Exceptional 200% operational efficiency surge
  • Seamless staff orientation and training
  • Engagin user-friendly interface
  • Elevated employee and customer satisfaction
  • Pioneering Portable Data Terminal app
  • Reinforced market leadership
  • Trust-boosting digital transformation

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