Newcastle Permanent Building Society’s Bold Leap Forward.​

NPBS the foremost customer-owned banking institution in New South Wales- recognised the need to provide seamless digital access to financial services. The goal was to craft an ‘award-winning’ mobile app- elevating services and becoming the new NPBS ‘front door’.

This endeavor aimed to meet the high design and usability standards set by platforms like Facebook and Instagram catering to both younger and older generations. 


We spearheaded the project leading the design, development testing and successful implementation of the ground breaking app. This comprehensive approach included meticulous documentation of strategies and efficient project management involving multiple stakeholders.

Leveraging our Consulting’s expertise the project incorporated cutting-edge security measures and capitalized on their design prowess technical acumen and extensive experience. The app’s creation was guided by our adept leadership in design and development.

The project entailed rigorous speed and performance testing- internal training- and robust on-site and off-site support. This knowledge transfer ensured seamless integration for NPBS staff.

Our collaborative process informed
how we sequenced our work to get it
in the right hands sooner.

The XAM Team have shown genuine interest in our initiatives and have been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals.

Whenever we faced challenges or needed guidance, XAM is there with timely and expert assistance.

Their commitment to our success is truly commendable, and we feel confident in relying on them as a trusted partner.

Thank you, XAM, for your unwavering support and dedication to our mutual success!“



The collaboration gave a positive result as our dedication led to the creation of an award-winning mobile banking app now accessible through various app stores. The app not only bolstered NPBS’s appeal to its existing customer base but also facilitated its expansion efforts. Notably the app’s introduction resonated with younger demographics, reducing churn and amplifying overall customer satisfaction.

  • App awarded 4.7/5 stars
  • Enhanced customer appeal
  • Expanded demographic reach
  • Diminished churn rates
  • Successful expansion strategy
  • Adept leadership in design and development
  • Seamless knowledge transfer

Not sure where to begin? Whether a brand new idea, or existing opportunity for innovation, we’ve got your back