Australia’s Top
React Developers, Consultants & Agency

Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide

Full Stack React Developers Agency

Our React (and React Native) development team helps Australia’s top enterprises create award-winning applications. CIOs, CTOs and in-house teams partner with our React developers to build solutions (for mobile and web) that add value and boost profits. Working with clients across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and world-wide.


Working with our team is different. If you’ve worked with development teams before I’m sure you’ll have the same frustrations, projects move slowly and there’s a lack of communication.

Our developers are trained to be consultants that work in professional structured ways, communicate well and build high quality solutions fast.

Yes please, turn my vision into reality


Full Stack React & React Native Developers

Our consultants are experienced in helping companies deliver high-quality React applications. We already serve a wide range of clients in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane.

We build leading-edge architectures that supports fast reactions to new business conditions. Our team follows modern best practices; such as code reviews, writing clean code and unit testing. We commit code changes regularly, triggering automated builds and testing.

We work externally or alongside your team and help you build applications in independent parts with a continuous integration and deployment pipeline (DevOps). This gives you greater flexibility and reduces your time to market.

Also, our Quality Assurance team involve themselves in the development process from day one. They perform a variety of tests to make sure your code is of the highest quality and works the way you want it to.

UX/UI Design-Led

Uncovering the right problems to solve is at the heart of great UX and UI design.

We’ll help you to implement cutting-edge discovery tools and methodologies to easily identify your end users’ true problems and desires.

Following that, our designers will combine this in-depth understanding of your app’s end goal with the latest technologies and thought leadership in UX and UI design to create a React Application that looks beautiful and is intuitive to use.

Let us help you design intuitive apps around core product functionality that lead to powerful user experiences that propel your organisation forward.

React Integrations

We understand that your React applications exist within a larger ecosystem, so we give you a range of seamless integration capabilities to accelerate your development process.

Harness the world of integrations through fully external services for maximum security, authentication, data and more.

Regardless of whether your integrated service is off the shelf or fully custom-built, we can facilitate your next innovation without negatively impacting your existing services.

React Support And Maintenance

Need technical leadership or ongoing maintenance support? Our React experts are here to help. Whether it’s adding new features, patching bugs or further customising your application, we’ll work in partnership with your team to execute everything smoothly and on time.

Whether your application was originally built by us or not, our React specialists are there for you around the clock so you can manage your app with confidence and peace of mind.

Full Project Teams

We all know successful projects aren’t done with only developers as you need the right people including product designers, project manager, product owners, QA, BA and architects. Then you also need the process and synergies. XAM can provide all of these. You might already have some project team members so our unique co-delivery engagement allows us to work in collaboration to create the perfect team.

We understand that your React applications exist within a larger ecosystem, so we give you a range of seamless integration capabilities to accelerate your development process.
Harness the world of integrations through fully external services for maximum security, authentication, data and more.

Uncovering the right problems to solve is at the heart of great UX and UI design.We’ll help you to implement cutting-edge discovery tools and methodologies to easily identify your end users’ true problems and desires.

We can help you harness the power of React
technology to improve your potential

Hit Your Goals Faster

Accelerate your project with our unique IP and .NET Accelerators.

Ultra-Modern UX & UI

Design intuitive experiences and beautiful interfaces that people will love to use.

Scale as needed

Partner with us and scale your team up or down exactly when you need it, no strings attached.

Enterprise-grade security and compliance

Focus on your project and let us handle all security aspects and compliance requirements

Trusted React Specialists

Get leading-edge technical expertise and leadership from Australia’s most talented React team.

Guarantee Success

We take the time to research and understand your project so the solution we build is guaranteed to meet your user’s needs.

For too long, the React development industry has been dominated by goliath companies with slow deliveries, low coding standards, lengthy onboarding processes and inflexible service.

At XAM, we’re challenging the status quo by delivering world-class React applications at a pace others can’t compete with.


Not sure where to begin? Whether a brand new idea, or existing opportunity for innovation, we’ve got your back